Provider Expectations
1. Assist tenants in abiding by their lease terms and guidelines established in the INHC Home Guide;
2. Report tenant move ins/outs withn 24 hours of occurrence;
3. Abide by the necessary and reasonable regulations established by Inclusive Neighborhoods Housing Corporation (INHC), for the benefit and well-being of the community and the renters;
4. Keep the house and grounds in a clean and safe condition, including proper disposal of all garbage and rubbish, proper storage of flammable liquids and proper use of electrical outlets, electrical extension cords, plumbing , heating, ventilating and other facilities;
5. Store garbage inside the garage/shed and promptly return them to that location after your garbage is picked up;
6. Refrain from throwing sweepings, rubbish, sanitary items or other foreign items into the toilet bowl;
7. Refrain from smoking in the house or garage and dispose of all smoking-related debris safely and properly, neither on the grounds nor on any neighbor’s property;
8. Use utilities in a reasonable manner;
9. Staff will assure that property and contents are well cared for;
10. Pay for any repairs, including material and labor, in the case of willful or negligent damage by provider staff to the property or grounds;
11. In keeping with services described in renters’ Individual Service Plans (ISP), prevent to the extent possible damage, destruction or removal of any part of the dwelling unit property by renters or guests and illegal conduct or actions detrimental to the community by staff, renters, or guests;
12. Prevent anyone other than renter from living in the house;
13. Take prudent action to maintain good relationships with neighbors; reporting issues and cause for concern to INHC
14. Park only in designated parking spaces and only drive on driveways. Avoid causing ruts alongside of the driveway;
15. Allow INHC and its contractors to enter the house for inspections and to make repairs;
16. Notify INHC, in accordance with maintenance procedures (937-457-2892 or via email), of the need for repairs to the house and of unsafe conditions in the house or the grounds which may lead to damage or cause injury;
17. Test smoke detectors quarterly and change batteries semi annually
18. Coordinate the surrender all keys to the house on the last date of providing service with INHC